

by Erik Loyer

To “woodshed” means to spend time, in private, actively seeking growth. I made a virtual woodshed, and placed myself inside it, both to screen out the noise of everyday digital life, and to see if there’s still anything of the sublime to be recovered from my earliest dreams of cyberspace.

If you have a Windows PC and an Oculus device, you can enter the woodshed yourself. Each episode of the series has a customizable companion app which you can use as a space to play or meditate.

Screenshot from The Ring-Bearer

The Ring-Bearer

A meditation on the “circles and circles, and circles” of exclusivity in Black life, inspired by Alice Randall’s book Black Bottom Saints.

Screenshot from Trina


Knowledge worker Trina’s augmented eyes and fingers are owned by a military contractor — what chance is there for resistance?

Screenshot from Go Insight

Go Insight

A visual poem that turns every mission to Mars, from Korabl 4 to InSight, into a single composition.
