The Elements

The Elements

by Erik Loyer

Media by kazuend, Ramin Khatibi, salmonickatelier, and xponentialdesign

Made with Stepworks Studio

Stepworks Studio lets you make stories for the web that play like music — including beats, melodies, rhymes, images, and video — all editable, all in one place. This piece, “The Elements,” is a fun bit of audiovisual poetry you can create by following the Stepworks Studio tutorial below.

To get started with Stepworks Studio, visit

Screenshot from Stage 6

Stage 6

An elderly woman is plagued by painful memories as she succumbs to dementia.

Screenshot from Boss Verbs

Boss Verbs

Click through verbs describing the boss battles of the 1994 video game Earthworm Jim.

Screenshot from Super Gerunds

Super Gerunds

Tap your way through gerunds describing player actions in the 1994 video game Super Metroid.
